Shotaro Ishinomori was a Japanese manga artist who became an influential figure in manga, anime, and tokusatsu, creating several immensely popular long-running series such asCyborg 009, the Super Sentai series and the Kamen Rider Series. He was twice awarded by the Shogakukan Manga Award, in 1968 for Sabu to Ichi Torimono Hikae and in 1988 for Hotel and Manga Nihon Keizai Nyumon. He was born and named Shotaro Onodera (小野寺 章太郎 Onodera Shōtarō?) in Tome, Miyagi, and was also known as Shotaro Ishimori (石森 章太郎 Ishimori Shōtarō?) before 1986, when he changed his family name to Ishinomori with "ノ".
Birthday: 1938-01-25